Color Schemes

Today’s assignment will check your understanding of various color schemes.

Today we will:

  • Read about each color scheme below
  • Create a new blog post. Copy and paste the questions at the bottom of the page (everything in navy) into your post, and fill them in. Upload images that show your understanding of each color scheme.

You must submit a completed blog post in order to earn participation points for today’s class.

Complementary colors

Complementary colors are opposite colors. They are directly across from one another on the color wheel.
The arrows in this color wheel connect a pair of complementary colors:

Here are some images that contain complementary colors:
complementary_red_green_2 complementary_red_green complementary_starfish complementary_purple_gold_fireworks kevin-durant-600x476

Analogous Color Scheme

Analogous colors are similar colors. Analogous colors are next to each other on the color wheel.
The arrows in this color wheel connect a set of analogous colors:

Here are some images that contain analogous colors:
analogous-purple-1 analougous_red_orange_yellow analogous-blue-green analogous-purple-2

Triadic Color Scheme

A triadic color scheme is a set of three colors that are evenly spread apart on the color wheel.
Two examples of triadic color schemes are the primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and the secondary colors (orange, green, violet). The arrows in this color wheel connect a set of triadic colors:

Here are some images that contain a triadic color scheme:
secondary_Colors purple-green-orange

primary-color_bird Primary_Colors_fs

Today’s Assignment:

Create a new blog post. Copy and paste the questions below (everything in navy) into your post, and fill them in.
You must submit a completed blog post in order to earn participation points for today’s class.

Complementary colors

What is a complementary color scheme?

List the complementary color pair for each color (I have done the first two for you)
Red & Green
Red-Orange & Blue-Green
Orange & _____________
Yellow-Orange & ___________
Yellow & ____________
Yellow-Green & ____________

Complementary colors are often used for sports teams and holidays (ex. red and green for Christmas).
Why are complementary colors appropriate for these situations?

Upload 3 photos of different complementary color schemes (Do NOT use any of the photos I have posted!)

Analogous Colors

What is an analogous color scheme?

List the analogous colors for each listed color (I have done the first two for you)
Red-Violet, Red, Red-Orange
Red, Red-Orange, Orange
___________, Orange, ___________
___________, Yellow-Orange, ___________
___________, Yellow, ___________
___________, Yellow-Green, ___________
___________, Green, ___________
___________, Blue-Green, ___________
___________, Blue, ___________
___________, Blue-Violet, ___________
___________, Violet, ___________
___________, Red-Violet, ___________

What type of mood do analogous color schemes create?

Upload 3 photos of different analogous color schemes (Do NOT use any of the photos I have posted!)

Triadic Colors

What is a triadic color scheme?

List the other colors needed to create a triadic color scheme for each provided color (I have done two for you)
Red-Violet, Blue-Green, Yellow-Orange
Red, ___________, ___________
Red-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Violet
Orange, ___________, ___________

What type of mood do triadic color schemes create?

Upload 3 photos of different triadic color schemes (Do NOT use any of the photos I have posted!)

Project Requirements: Skateboard Deck Painting

For our next project, we will paint a skateboard deck.

Your project must meet the following requirements:

  • balance of positive and negative space
  • displays a cohesive color scheme
  • shows unity and movement
  • contains no words, letters, numbers, copyrighted characters, or trademarks
  • displays good craftsmanship and technical skill

Here are some skateboard and snowboard deck designs to get you started:

skateboard_deck_designs_by_nimirofox-d73ldae  3designs   decks_vault49  d4f7377f90adda1e88c42636efe16631  chuck-anderson-no-pattern-skateboards  798741230124519  Pale-Horse_Tatsu-1  sk8room-roa-skateboard-deck  Skateboard_by_Sir_SiriX    burton-ginger-snowboard  Burton-Custom-2012-Snowboard-01  burton_snowboard_fish-snowboard_160 707691207116912  707691207116676  547101227106640

Today we will:

  • trace the skateboard pattern onto a piece of cardboard, gesso the cardboard, write your name on an area of cardboard that has not been gessoed, and place the cardboard in the drying rack
  • post any inspiration photos that you would like Ms. Lawson to print to your blog
  • create a concept sketch on the blank skateboard handout and color it in with your intended color scheme